Monday, November 1, 2010

Beginning Band Mini-Concert

Our Beginning Band rocks! Enjoy these pictures from the recent Mini-Concert.


mckenzi said...

I hope everyone did good! I remember our first beginning band mini concert...
McKenzi K

Austin McNamee said...

I remember when we did that. That must have been fun for them. I wish I could have heard it.

Austin M.

Logan said...

I loved that! It was awesome! I hope we have another one. I even have a song that would be easy to make parts to. It's school appropriate too.

Anonymous said...

The beginning band mini concert was awesome! My parents loved seeing me and everyone else play. They said we sounded great, we did.


Anonymous said...

I think we all sounded great. My mom said we looked good too.

~Kaila S.

ashleigh said...

that rocked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!