Students are motivated in a variety of different ways. What motivates YOU to do your best in band? What makes you want to succeed and work hard? Take a few minutes to think about these questions and comment on this blog. I look forward to reading your answers.
What motivates me is the continuing tradition of this great and wonderful band. Since everyone around is very competitive, it makes me want to do my best at everything that is put in front of me. Band has allowed me to explore a multitude of diverse people and music as well as teach me moral values that will greatly benefit me in my future as a musician. Thank you HT Band.
ill tell you, many things that motivate me, but one of the most best things that motivates me is when i hear and see Mr. Brandon Peters at the top of the band tower at practice on the thursday before the clay game, screaming his head off to tell the HTHS Marching Husky Band to be awesome, and amazing! and to beat clays marching band!
-tucker ratcliff
When I do something I make sure that I am the best at it that I can be. To me there is no point in doing something if you are not going to give your 110%. The same thing applies to band. What really motivates me is when you get on stage in front of all those people and you play that song 100% perfect. There is no better feeling then having 1-2 months of you hard work and time pay off when you are able to show off your abilities to all kinds of people and earn bagging rights.
I think what motivates me to do my best in band is seeing all these poeple that just love and enjoy it, it keeps me going all the time! Seeing all the smiling faces at the football games, the pep rallies, and even in class each day!! Also that all these students love what they do and they all have great talents!! I love band!! haha.
Something that motivates me is the cheering of the crowd when we play at pep rallies, football games, and concerts.
What motivates me is to be told that I'm good at when I've been asked to do, If thats playing a note and having a good tone qualite, or playing a scale and getting it perfect and my friends say "WOW!! That was GREAT!!!" Or what every it is i'm trying to do.
What motivates me is to try and be my best when I'm playing my instument and giving 100 percent effort to the band and Mr. Peters. And also to push harder.
What motivates me to do my best in band is the feeling of success itself. I love playing my instrument and I love it when I get a new piece of music to learn. Playing my instrument is very special to me and I am willing to work hard and be good at it. When people stand up and applaud after a concert I love the feeling off 'Wow, they really liked it!'.
Lauren S
HTMS Symphonic Band
What motivates me is all the people around me. People who aren't on band think band is boring but it's really not. I think it motivates me and makes me improve because all the clarinets beside me try their best and they put forth alot of effort, so do I, but when I say I am stuck they always help me. I do my best and usually :) i succeed!!!
I am motivated to do my best in band by setting a goal. If I set a goal, I can work towards it. Trying to become better than everyone else helps me to succed and work hard. If I am competing against someone for a chair position or in trying out for All State, a since of competition is needed.
-Jonathan A. 3rd period
What motivates me is the love for music that i have and something that i can do well in and be proud of it :)
What motivatees me is the feeling of accomplishment. I am loving beggining band this year, and I am having so much fun learning my instrument. It is so fun, and I love the feeling when I accomplish something that was tough for me.
The competiton in my section and in the whole band is what motivates me. Plus, we have a great band, and I like being a great band.
Rebecca P.
what motivates me to be my best is seeing the shine of the instruments I see every day and seeing all the younger kids joy of playing a wind instrument. Competition is another reason that I like playing a musical instrument it influences an aural learning style. Jacob Roberson
Well i want to learn how to play an insterment really witch motivates me but also i want to be the best at the trombone!!!! :) :) :) :) :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
Uhhh..well what motivates me is the pep rallys and the games cause those are the funnest and i think i play best when im having fun
ÇhΓï§ M
I get motivated by trying to be the best I can be and to share great music with others. Also to give my parents something to brag about.
Marisa Garrett said...
What motivates me is being able to do band every day and be able to get better at my instrument. Knowing that every day that I get better this encourages me to try that much harder. I am going to band for as long as I can.
What motivates me in band is the competition of chair order, and the complements our band gets after performances. I also like to play music, and do something I can put some effort into being good at.
what motivates me is my mom because shes always telling me to keep trying.band has allowed me to explore myself because i never knew i could actually play an instrument but now that i have tryed it im actually good.
-allie west-
What motivates me in band is the feeling that I was able to do something good that doesn't just benefit me. I always like it when people compliment on how I did and I really enjoy playing my instrument. When I play my flute I feel that I am a part of something special and I like feeling that way.
What motivates me is knowing that I'm in the band with all these wonderful people and an awesome band director like Mr.Peters I think htms band will be unstopable!
What motivates me in band is accomplishing a hard piece of music that i have been struggling with. I am a self motivated person so I keep challenging myself to get better and better.
alot of things motivate me...
when I don't want to play I play anyways to get better, and just like gymnastics for me; I know I'll get better if I work hard and practice!:) I also like to hear the sound of music, so I like making it sound good. :)
The motivation I find myself for working hard in band is simply that i love music. if i had to pick between music and food i would pick music without thinking twice about it. I want to be the best musician i can be. and i would like to see my full potential. What i have been able to do with guitar in the last 5 years or so is incredible and i would love to see what i can do with not only the alto saxophone but also the berry!
MIRANDA MASON (knee slapper)
A series of things motivate me. Some may include competition, getting better, putting my best effort into playing, also the feeling that you can do something that not many other people in the world can do.
Charlie Steward
Symphonic Band
7th period
what motivates me is that i want to become the first chair for beginnig band trumpets for 5th period.
What Motivates me is my love of music...being able to memorize a song encourages me to learn new ones.
what motivates me in band is that i need to be good at the clairinet if i want to take marching band next year instead of p.e. i really dislike p.e. so i'm happy that i can take marching band instead of p.e. and i get to wear those REALLY fuzzy hats.
Avery Franklin 3rd period
The thing that motivates me best in band is chair placement. It helps me practice better and try to do it well. It helps me to see what I need to improve on. It is also fun to compete with other people in your section for 1st chair. This is what motivates me in band.
What motivates me is that I see Mr. Peters telling us to do our very best. Habing all my friends and other people trying to be better than everyone else.
What motivates me is when everyone around me is doing there best, because I want to be the best, and It motivates me when I am the best even ng if everyone else is trying their best.
what motivates me is that I get to bring my instrument (trumpet) home every night with my mom who really helps me because in middle school through high school she played trumpet. that is what motivates me.
I'm really motivated when we get cheers but playing an instrument is like working out...you can only get better. It's like our common goal to be the best and come out on top.
Dalon Bednar Symphonic trombone 3rd period
What motivates me is the challenge that is provided for us wether it is passing off lines in rubank books or just learning fun new stuff for pep band. I am always trying to do my best in band even though i mess up sometimes i keep practicing until i get it right. Band is what i plan to do all the way through college which motivates me to work even harder because music is my life and my life is my music and i plan to study the wonderful art of music for the rest of my life. I would like to say thanks to Mr. Peters because we would'nt have the wonderful band program that we do without him and I would also like to thank Mr. Wade, and Mrs. Ezell for taking the time to help us excell in our pass off books and work on scale studies with us in the afternoons at school and that is all i have to say and i guess now u know what motivates me!!!
John Adkins
3rd period
symphonic band
the most thing that motivates me would be well alot of things ,but the number one thing is when i get to learn how to play alot of things on an instrument that I like.I like to learn the songs that are catchy and known that are really cool songs such as Crazy Train and Luie Louie.Songs like those.
A lot of things motivate me. The competition for first chair is a real struggle to get to and once you're there you've got to work even harder to stay there. I guess you could say that the rewards for what i do is what motivates me.
HTMS 3rd period symphonic band Chad
What motivates me is trying to do my best and being the best I can be. Seeing people clapping and cheering for the band, makes me want to try my best and work harder because I know that people are cheering for us. It makes me happy seeing people cheering and clapping for us at concerts because I know that I did my best and gave as much as I could to make the performance amazing.
Sarah P.
HTMS Symphonic Band
What motivates me is being in front of the crowd after applauding of how wonderful we did.
Im motivated by a good competition Jacob Roberson
What motivates me is to do the best I can. I try everything the best I can. Also, what motivates me is the fact that I love music, and I couldn't live without it. This is what motivates me.
Will Chambless
What motivates me is the pride of being in the symphonic band and being able to play my instrument well for someone else. I like to listen to myself play to improve at playing my instrument so that someone else could listen without thinking it is a waste of time.
What motivates me is when people tell me how well I'm doing in band. It helps when Mr. Peters or another teacher in band congratulates me on an accomplishment on my instrument. Also, I like to hear the crowds cheering for the band when we do a good job.
Braxton O.
i am motivated by my peers and elders throughout the ht band. especially this kid named Ret (i think i spelled wrong) who is in 7th grade percussion. if i hadnt been introduced to band i would be having a very boring dull day.thank you HT band!
Hola fellow instrumental affiliates!(I know. I like big words. :D ) I guess I'll just say that all of the above motivates me.When I think of a real reason,I'll post it. I just woke up. ;) I love sleepin late on Saturday!
What motivates me is my parents and friend telling supporting me and telling me they will be ok with whatever i choose to do. I am also motivated by the fact that someday i could-eventually possibly, maybe- :) have a chance of being in a college band.. that would be awesome.. and u never know.. i could be s stuck up, snobby drum major.. :P
What motivates me is just trying your hardest and not stopping till you achieve your dream.
What motivates me in band is trying to do my best and be the best alto sax player.I also like being able to play at the pep rallys along with the 7th graders and the rest of the 8th graders.
Kaleb Garner
What motivates me is knowing that i'm with all my friends and we have an aweosme band director and that band isnt a competition it's something fun and something that you will know how to do for the rest of your life.(hopefully)
rewards motivate me
What Motivates me is being told that what i do is good. like if im playing a teat or a scale then isf someone says i do a really good job 4 example. also chocolate motivatesme thats not important but whatever.
Rebecca W.
What motivates me is do the that I can so I will be able to be better than the rest. At first if you don't sucseed, try try again. :)
The thing that motivates me is knowing i have the power to play a part in band.Also, knowing that i can go beyond what is expected of me and be the best i can be.I love how all people in band are competive in a good way. I LOVE HTMS BAND! ☺ ♥
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